I’m thinking I’ve been spending far too much time dwelling on the beams in conservatives’ eyes, and that it’s time I devote attention to the Left, so I can seem pissed off more equally. Any suggestions?
Top Reasons the “Right” hates Obama:
Pro Arab/Persian Foreign Policy,abandoning Israel
Weak on Terror/Internal Security
Socialist/huge deficits/taking over private corporations/TARP etc.
Anti-Semite/Jeremiah Wright
Unwilling to cut taxes to allow new job creation
Top Reasons the Left hates Obama:
Wall Street Owns him/weak on Financial Regulation/Too Free Market
TOO ProMilitary/TOO Pro Israel
Take off the Liberal Mask/Bush’s face underneath
Unwilling to create massive job programs like FDR
Attack the Left’s positions on Obama
yes, why do left-handed people think that they’re the same as everyone else?
it’s a deviance, and as President Bush always said “you’re either with us and likely to try to rub up against us.”