Ran across this during “old bookmarks clean-up”: From about one year ago, here’s leftwing seer extraordinaire Matthew Yglesias reacting to criticism of Obama’s tepid reaction to events then unfolding in Iran:
The appropriate test of US policy toward the Iranian political crisis continues to be whether or not it actually improves the situation—helps save lives, helps promote political change—not whether or not it’s deemed adequately expressive.
A survey of Yglesias’s Think Progress blog finds no mention of the one-year anniversary of the disputed Iranian presidential election, much less of the Iranian “Green” Movement. Maybe a big post is coming soon on those hope-and-change test results, perhaps further expanding on the effect of the historic Cairo speech and all of the wonderful changes it helped bring about. True, all we managed here at ZC were links to writers who haven’t forgotten the events of June 2009 – “Fouad Ajami: Iran and the ‘Freedom Recession’” and “Misreading Tehran: The Twitter Devolution” – along with a bit of fisticuffical commenting, but, then again, ZC didn’t exist at that time, and those of us arguing in the Contentions threads or maybe at the HotAir Greenroom weren’t the ones claiming that the President’s reticence was somehow helping the protesters – or helping him either.
OK – Yglesias did mark the anniversary with one stirring commemoration: Of the movie Starship Troopers. Like Yglesias, I’m in the “it’s a classic” camp on that film, though I suspect I’d put my appreciation in somewhat different terms than he does or than the writer whose recent essay he links.
As for Iran, I’m sorry to say I just don’t see Yglesias “doing his part,” at least not yet.
So, this is what you came up with by way of taking on some of the Left’s encrusted assumptions and narratives? Seems kind of mild so far–not exactly the Glenn Beck treatment.