There is no outcry because our popular culture is thoroughly rotten.
There reaches a point where you have to say it: I believe in evil. Satan is laughing.
* * *
(Don’t say that three times in the mirror!)
…and I’d say Satan’s found a far more mellifluous laughing-ground among the Muslims, who please themselves to bury women up to their heads and stone them to death for “adultery,” murder their own daughters for “mingling,” and practice forms of human sacrifice—selling their sons to Pashtun pedophiles, for one, or celebrating their childrens’ deaths in suicide bombings, for another.
The “Muslims, who please” (nonrestrictive) are implicitly all Muslims or Muslims in general – providing the “mellifluous laughing-ground”[?]. The “Muslims who please…” (restrictive) would be a group of Muslims as defined. They could turn out to be be all, almost all, the many, a plurality, a minority, or a luridly sensationalized few, if any, who happen to bury, stone, murder, and sacrifice.
The latter usage equates with criticism of very repugnant practices among Muslims – what many Islamophobes, particularly the ones who think of themselves as anything other than bigots, as defenders of liberal democracy and its precepts, claim they’ve always been after, even though, in one way or another, they always sooner or later end up with the comma or its many equivalents. It seems to be too tempting, too wondrous, if only for a moment, for some to imagine themselves and everyone like them wholly and essentially superior to not-themselves. The “rational Islamophobes” – whose infirmities lead them to insist on a rational basis for treating Islam as such as an enemy ideology – would probably also include the comma.
Those who favor a different approach to Islamism and to the manifold cultural, historical, and political phenomenon of Islam would recognize the comma as embarrassing and injurious. Those who believe that Satan is off to a head start wherever people indulge in collective defamation, wherever they mistake self-interested selective perception for objective and balanced judgment, would confess and strive to expiate such immellifluity at the first chance.
Let she who is without sin emplace the first comma.
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To a multiculturalist, among the very worst of sins is to judge another culture and to conclude that it is crummy. And now, our very own multicultural First Citizen of the World has said exactly that about the Arabs. Could that be the reason the MSM is ignoring this story?
Could be. Could be almost as mega-sinful as an entire civilization devoted for 14 centuries to selling boys into sexual slavery and suicide bombing (if only occasionally both at once) would be.
Or could be the MSM think it’s a crummy story. Could also be that presuming to speak from a position of broad culturally relative non-crumminess is the sign of a crummy attitude. Could also be that our very own multicultural First Citizen didn’t say anything like that at all, that he and his slightly overly self-ingratiating NASA chief were trying to say the exact opposite thing, and that it wouldn’t be such a bad thing to get citizens of the crummy world to consider less crummy ways of looking at their crummy selves.
Or it could be that only he who is without a mess all over his chin, chest, and lap should cast the first crumb.
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It is this sort of hysteria and overheated blather that conservatives should be wary of. Political winds are blowing at the right’s back, but the quickest way to be knocked off course is to propound ill-conceived arguments and give voters the idea that conservatives are unsober and unserious.
Well I wouldn’t go as far to say it is exclusively Muslim, but among the Salafi/Hambali, these are vile practices, more fitting the Iblis and his djinn, but receive relatively little condemnation from the usual authorities