If a politician mocked the Lord’s Prayer in an attack on sexually abusive Priests, in a manner that insulted all Christians; if a politician sneered at the Kaddish while describing civilian casualties of Israeli military operations, insulting all Jews…
The individuals who hijacked two airplanes and flew them into the World Trade Center towers shouted, “Allahu Akhbar”. The individuals who will attend the mosque would offer up like praise of “Allahu Akhbar”. The individuals who detonate suicide vests, behead school teachers and headmasters, throw acid on little girls trying to attend school, and fire rockets into Israel shout, “Allahu Akhbar”.
Lt. Col. (Ret) Allen West
I can’t help but find the non-American standard punctuation further symptomatic of the decline of American conservatism. For shame! That West is a star on the Tea Party right, regularly sending crowds into patrio-erotic paroxysms, tells you, if not quite everything… a lot. That Andrew C. McCarthy un-self-consciously publishes the above at The Corner, un-criticized, unquestioned, tells you still more…
Nor is Rauf exactly full-throated in his rejection of terrorism, offering only this: “The issue of terrorism is a very complex question.”
Nor are the editors of the National Review exactly honest, well even honest at all, when they suggest that Rauf’s statement is the “only” thing he’s ever had to say about, or against, terrorism.
[H]e finds it easy to blame the United States for being a victim of terrorism: “I wouldn’t say that the United States deserved what happened, but the United States policies were an accessory to the crime that happened.”
The editors find it easy to read Rauf’s mind, easy to assume that readers will, like them, draw the precise opposite sense from the comment than the one clearly intended, and will remain ignorant of its actual verbal context, ignorant of historical context, and ignorant of the fact that it was said nearly 10 years ago and not, as implied, in reference to any current events or discussion. Moral superiority is so easy when moral standards apply only to the person you seek to indict.
As National Review’s Andrew C. McCarthy has documented, Rauf’s book, published in the West as What’s Right with Islam Is What’s Right with America, had a significantly different title abroad: A Call to Prayer from the World Trade Center Rubble: Islamic Dawa in the Heart of America Post-9/11. “Dawa” means Islamic proselytizing, a process that ends in the imposition of sharia.
Andrew C. McCarthy has documented all sorts of things, but mainly has worked to document Andrew C. McCarthy’s belief that, unlike Christians, Jews, Atheists, Satanists, and Republicans, Muslims don’t have a right in the United States of America to urge others to become Muslims.
We appeal, instead, to the sense of decency of the American Muslim community, and to its patriotism.
How about if I appeal to the sense of decency of the indecent American conservative community whom I would prefer to see stamped out or at least rigorously constrained, and boycotted until so constrained, and to the patriotism of those whose belief system I have repeatedly declared fundamentally, absolutely, and irremediably incompatible with our way of life?
But at least you do comedy!
There are certain facts in history that are immutable from which we must take objective lessons…
…immune forever from revision, comparison, analysis, and all other infectious intellectual diseases.
The insistence upon a perfectly insulated narrative, to be received as obligatory and unalterable, is the opposite of discussion, however many words the exposition may take up, and regardless of the particular origins of its fundamentalism.
If we view our jobs as opinion journalists as trying to nudge the median voter in the direction of virtue, then I’m quite happy with the balance of American opinion on the mosque. I’m happy that we wrote that editorial and that it’s part of the debate. Happy too that religious tolerance and property rights are part of the debate.
Life’s really worth living/ When you are mirth giving… and when you’re not responsible for the content of your views, only responsible for offering them… unless you’re Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, in which case you’re responsible for everything you’ve ever said or done, in uncomprehended whole and incomprehensible part, as well as everything said or done by everyone connected to you, connected to anyone connected to you, connected to anyone suspected of being connected to you…
That’s good CK, a campaign to spread awareness of Salafism in lower Manhattan, you compare to the term for the Armenian genocide by the young Turks, dialed it right up to 11, Yes technically, it means
‘cleansing’ but much like the word crusade, the meaning has become