“Obama is his own God” – Laura Curtis:
Obama denies the exclusivity of Christianity. That’s the real dealbreaker. The New Testament repeatedly asserts that Christ’s death on the cross provides the only possible avenue to heaven; that Jesus is THE way, THE truth, and THE life. If you don’t believe that, you’re really not a Christian.
Indeed, candidate and doomed soul Obama said the following when asked about his beliefs:
I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people.
I suppose he could have declared, or have implied, that everyone who didn’t believe what Laura Curtis and her rock-solid-Bible-believing commenters may believe is going to Hell. That, he didn’t do. Curtis:
[I]n practice, he’s his own god, creating his own belief system and his own doctrine. He’s perfectly entitled to do so; whether that curious doctrine will get him into the heaven he’s not too sure even exists remains to be seen.
Remains to be seen? By whom? How exactly is that supposed to work?
Strikes me as a curious doctrine. Or did I miss something? Do all right-thinking people now believe that on Judgment Day or thereabouts we’ll all get a briefing on who got in and who didn’t?
But since the media seems so shocked and offended by the fact that the public is confused about what Obama believes, I think it’s worth pointing out that Obama doesn’t seem too sure, himself.
Yes, worth pointing out – that is, if you want to make everyone in the country who is willing to admit to elements of uncertainty about aspects of his or her beliefs, and willing to confess a reluctance to impose them on others, feel closer to Obama – while making everyone who goes around professing a degree of somewhat frightening, exclusionary, and aggressive absolute self-certainty feel more distant.
Further the better, some might say about that last group, whatever their denomination.
In completely unrelated news, a not at all publicity-seeking church in Gainesville, Fla. – a.k.a. “the intellectual capital of the western world” – is promising to burn Qur’ans to mark 9/11 this year. I bet the whole congregation is going to be joining Curtis and company in the good place later on, for all eternity – unlike me and the Prez.
If there is a good and just God, he’ll cause Obama to spontaneously combust now.