Giving the condensed version of yet another “I know you are, but what am I” column, this one from Dennis Prager, the foul (really) enemies-within (your head) at Sadly, No! summed up the conservative unity position on everything these days as follows:
All liberals are assholes because they all make negative generalizations about all conservatives as a group whereas conservatives never make negative generalizations about all liberals as a group. Take this column for instance.
Someday, but more likely never, I may learn to express myself as economically as the enemy of all that’s right and good who blogs as “Tintin.”
One approach to honest communication is to be able to ask/answer two questions,what do you want? How are you going to get what you want?
What I want is for those within the Republican,Tea-Party,CONSERVATIVE circuit,to get what they want. The only way that is going to happen,is to segregate the nation,because,what I want is to live in an America in which FDR’s 2ND Bill of Rights is incorporated into our Constitution. But I don’t want those opposed to that to suffer. The answer is,of course,the two state solution,right here. Everybody votes with their feet,and moves to Blue USA,or Red USA.
I believe that those Conservatives want is something they have never experienced,and probably never will,so the only way for them to experience what they think they want,is for birds of a feather to flock together,and experience what happens.
As far as Blue USA,where I would choose to live,I would structure that on the lines of America as it was under Eisenhower,minus the paranoia of the WOT.
As a Blue Resident,we will probably stick with Mr Obama as our leader,the Reds have a wide variety to choose from,I recommend Mr. Ryan as a thoughtful Red CIC,but,I don’t really care.