Note: Duty (survival) is calling, and, though I have a couple of more theoretical than topical posts that I might polish up and publish, I expect that otherwise my blogging may be relatively light for the next few days, if not for longer, if not for much longer… And you can take that as a warning, or a heads-up, or a prophecy, or a conjecture, or a promise… or you can take it some other way…
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It’s the president who has to do the right thing in a situation like this. No one else can snatch the brand from burning. It’s not Petraeus’ job to express what the highest principle is for America. And only the president can commit us as a people – troops or civilians – to facing the consequences of Muslim anger in upholding that principle. The latter is what he should have done in the case of the planned Koran-burning. It’s what he should do in the case of Rauf’s veiled threat. He shouldn’t do it belligerently; he doesn’t have to. He should just do it.
“Veiled threat” = the Imam explains the natural, easily and obviously predictable result of the emergence in America of politicized Islamophobia – as aided, abetted, and encouraged by leading and not-so-leading conservative apologists, opportunists, and bandwagoners.
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[M]ost voices… have been very clear that for every American freedom of religion is a right, but that it is not right to make one’s religion a global political statement with a towering Islamic edifice that casts a shadow over the memorials of Ground Zero.
So much for the thoughtfulness and rationality of the highly recommended “good” Muslim.
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She doesn’t even try to hide… it:
Michael Goldfarb has the goods on the “moderate” Ground Zero mosque builders. It seems they won’t condemn Tuesday’s slaughter of four Israelis. This is precisely why Muslim outreach is a flawed and ultimately dangerous exercise — it overlooks and excuses the coddling of terrorists.
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Incidentally, neither does her colleague:
Obama is a radical leftist with Alinskyite training and globalist-lefists roots in every political pathology of the 1960s and ’70s — that’s what matters to his occupation of the Oval Office.
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I think that very few members of the ruling class have a clear understanding of the great awakening under way in the countryside. Have you heard the marching song yet? It’s dynamite.
The appearance of the above words in National Review‘s blog – constituting the entirety of a single short post – ought to be bizarre, but by now it’s commonplace. Such language has become typical for the new Populist Right of 2010, even in relatively sober, rightwing intellectual publications, and even before the American Spectator waved the “go” flag.
Michael Ledeen and the other awakening and arising scourges of the ruling class do not go to bed with images of mass executions and blasted city-scapes dancing in their heads – though they, and the unlikely conservative exemplars in that “dynamite” video, do seem awfully fond of gun culture and militarism, and of throwing a scare into anyone who isn’t. Still, as their apologists point out, they do clean up after themselves. Let’s take that as a promise, not… in some other way. Once they win a bunch of congressional elections, maybe they’ll calm down and find another fad. Maybe the muddling and moderating tendencies of our system will take control, and maybe the Obamacrats will come into their own as defenders of the middled muddle.
Or maybe frustration, bad luck, and external shocks will lead to something else. As little as we want to indulge in alarmism or launch indictments on pre-crime, this isn’t the first time in recent memory that many of the same people were talking up the gift of freedom as sanctioned by the Almighty, without, seemingly, any concrete plan for Phase Next.
I think that very few advocates of Operation American Freedom have a clear understanding about what they’re supposed to do after the shock and awe has worn off.