Possibly neither Christine ODonnell nor Mark Levin nor the Powerline bloggers nor John McCormack nor of interest to Mike Castle
Still working on getting around to working on some things I need to work on, but I thought I’d take a point of personal privilege and remark upon just how little I care about revolutionary Christine O’Donnell’s Republican Senate primary victory over running dog lackey of the imperialist ruling class Mike Castle. From skimming the nets, you might get the impression that the main issue was masturbation. O’Donnell is against it. Mike Castle took no position, possibly because former O’Donnell aides were claiming that, if Castle had been with Inez Sainz in the New York Jets locker room, he might have been looking in the wrong direction.
Though I had noticed some long-threaded posts at HotAir devoted to the general topic, it wasn’t until I read this breathless reaction from Allahpundit that I realized how far things had gone:
I just finished watching Karl Rove trashing GOP Senate primary winner Christine O’Donnell. It was on Sean Hannity’s FNC show. Might as well have been Olbermann on MSNBC. The establishment Beltway strategist couldn’t even bother with an obligatory word of congratulations for O’Donnell. He criticized her “character” and “rectitude” and claimed she hadn’t answered questions about her financial woes. She did so here. Rove mocked her security concerns as “nutty.” Yet, her concerns have been more than justified. See here.
I hadn’t just finished watching Karl Rove. I never watch Sean Hannity anymore. (Don’t watch Olbermann either, however.) I noticed that AP was so concerned about it all, or at least about jumping on the traffic, that he forgot to hyperlink his “here”‘s.
My heart goes out to anyone who has her character questioned, her rectitude impugned, her self-defense ignored and mischaracterized. Not that the HotAirites and fellow travelers would ever go a little overboard on that kind of thing. So much for Sainz. As for the Joan of Arc of anti-auto-eroticism, it’s all about unity, right? Why doesn’t Rove love the people that (I’m just guessing because I don’t care enough to watch the video) he’s only a couple steps short of calling “Teatards.” What they were saying about him probably wasn’t family-friendly, though I see that today he’s backed off.
HotAir vs Rove is just one fight on the UFC mega-melee, however. Here’s a MediaMatters (yes, we know, miguel… Soros Soros Soros) run-down of skirmishing between some of my other favorite people: “I think you’re an ass”: Conservative media finally discover their colleagues are frauds:
In the run-up to Delaware’s Republican Senate primary, conservative media figures noticed that their colleagues are “lazy and unfair” “idiot[s]” and “mouthpieces for the Republican establishment” who engage in “ranting, not serious arguments” and whose commentary consists of “smear tactics,” “mischaracterizations,” “exaggerated claims,” “slander,” and “attributing sinister or corrupt motives to those who disagree with them.”
Will this kind of thing save the Dems from a hellacious November? Probly not. But turbulence of this sort brings some very peculiar undersea creatures to the surface. Maybe if the Obamacrats had been a more coherent force, better positioned to take and sustain a full-fledged political and ideological offensive, this kind of internal conflict on the Right would have taken place out of view while the liberal-progressive ascendancy strode forward. Or maybe, 100 years from now, that’s what it will look like after all. As my buddy GWF put it:
We learn by experience that we meant something other than we meant to mean; and this correction of our meaning compels our knowledge to go back to the proposition, and understand it in some other way.
that the main issue was masturbation
What about Mutual M,or is that an Oxy?