According to RNC yenta Peter Terpulek, Sarah and I can get together either in Anaheim or California where “grassroots activists” are gathering. Here’s the jam-packed sentence that all by itself exhausts the non-Sarah, non-financial content of the letter and actually offers something you could kind of call political:
We must elect commonsense, Reagan-Republican majorities to the U.S. House and Senate and add to the number of Governors if we are to slam the brakes on the Obama Democrats’ destructive socialist schemes.
Oddly enough, the last time I was an “activist” of any kind, I was starting up several socialist schemes intended to put an end to American greatness once and for all.
Aside from the signature and the usual PS’s with helpful information on safe and effective cash or credit disposal, the letter concludes as follows:
Colin, Sarah Palin looks forward to meeting you at one of these great events. Working together, I know we will win the battle to save our country.
Talk about a twofer! Meet Sarah Palin in Orlando or Anaheim and save the country! Good thing they didn’t ask me to choose one or the other, cuz that’d be too hard.
So, that WAS you in the blue shirt and very tight dark trousers!