To show you just how much cross-species solidarity I’m capable of, I’m actually kind of watching the Yankees and rooting for them. At least it’s on in the other room, and I intend to consider paying close attention. I may even wait to go get dinner until the game is decided.
That’s about the most I can spare positive vibe-wise.
Maybe I should have kept my blog shut. Texas just went ahead 3-1.
UPDATE – sorry, Mr. Cluck. I tried. Guess I’ve got to work a little harder on my vibes. Isn’t it an odd coincidence, though, that the Rangers would win the playoff on the same day as the WikiLeaks dump? I mean, GWB-wise.
Say it ain’t so, CK. You were pulling for Fuster’s Yanks? C’mon. That’s not going with the good vibes. GWB connection aside, Texas is the feel-good story of the year. Now they’re positioned to have Cliff Lee pitch the first game of the WS. Even if the Phillies get there, they’re vulnerable with Halladay hurt. I’m a Giants fan, but given everything Washington and Hamilton have overcome, I’ll be happy if the Rangers win it all.