Monthly Archives: October 2010

They don’t know how to love him

Diane Suffern at the HotAir Greenroom calls attention to another art world desecration of a desecration: Here’s the statement from the artist’s web catalog: The destruction of the Enrique Chagoya “The Misadventures of the Romantic Cannibals” at the Loveland Museum

Posted in Art, Politics, Religion Tagged with: , ,

Everybody Did Get Stoned

The above video (h/t Next Media and HotAir headlines) has things just about right, as far as I can tell. According to most recent polls, California voters favor a ballot measure that could legalize possession of up to 1 ounce

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A vote for steady incremental decline

If conservatives are wrong about everything else, they may be right about this one underlying fact: A certain idea of American greatness may be slipping into the past. From that perspective, “steady incremental decline” may even begin to look like one of the better open paths.

Posted in Featured, Neo-Imperialism, US History Tagged with: , , ,

Conservative Winter Soldiers and the Last Man

Unable to figure out why the President “is” sending troops to Afghanistan, Charles Krauthammer concludes a column about his quandary by reaching across the aisle… for a melodramatic cheap shot: Sen. Kerry, now chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, asked

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Death Panel by Proxy

Ed Morrissey discovers the shocking news that adding 30+ million to the number of insured Americans may exacerbate a national physician shortage – except, for Ed, the problem isn’t more people visiting doctors about, say, that odd mole that grows

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