Top 20 Super Bowl XLV Ads: Pics, Videos, Links, News
What The Egyptian Revolution Means For Israel | The New Republic Ground was broken last week for a massive new Israeli development in East Jerusalem as Tahrir Square was filling up with the evidence of a new Egypt. Do…
Israel & Palestine: Breaking the Silence by David Shulman | The New York Review of Books Sari Nusseibeh repeatedly expresses his belief that change is possible if people have the self-confidence and faith in themselves to act. He sees his…
Stand for Freedom | The Weekly Standard In his column, Krauthammer refers to the French, Russian, and Iranian revolutions. They all turned out badly. But before 1789 was 1776. After 1917, there was 1989. And after 1979, there was…
Egypt Revolt: The White House’s Secret Plan for Succession – The Daily Beast First and foremost, The United States—in concert increasingly with other governments—is seeking an immediate transition to democratic pluralism and procedures that, simultaneously, will prevent the Muslim Brotherhood…
Ahmed Moor: There is a sense in Tahrir now that democracy is coming– and medics and journalists are granted respect Your mood today? I’m optimistic. I’m optimistic that it’s going to end up in a negotiated resolution where Mubarak steps…
Attention Fox Nation: There Is More Than One Version Of The Bible | Media Matters for America If you visit Fox Nation right now, you are greeted by the following story on their front page: If you follow the…
Egypt Endgame | Marc Lynch By unleashing violence and refusing the demand for an immediate, meaningful transition, Mubarak has now violated two clear red lines laid down by the President. There must be consequences. It’s time to meet…
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