…I think ol’ Bud may finally be heading for the South Seas, possibly today.
Could be he’s still coping with an odd dog flu he and Annie picked up last week, but his appetite has stayed disappeared while hers has returned, and he’s looking severely emaciated, acting unusually weak, showing difficulty remaining upright or walking, or getting up after falling. Can’t hardly stand in place to eat or drink, and his interest in food even brought directly to his mouth is non-existent – even in deli turkey that up to a few days ago he would have snatched right out of my hand.
I suppose there are various measures he might respond to – IV feeding, say – but I think his quality of life is just too low to justify strenuous efforts to restore whatever fraction of it. In recent weeks when he has had more energy, he’s used it for pacing in counterclockwise ellipses – possibly symptomatic of a stroke or dementia, but possibly related to other afflictions. When not circling raggedly, he’s been sooner or later trapping himself in some crevice between furniture or in some corner or at some mere obstruction, apparently having lost the ability or will to back up.
If I were in his condition, I’d say, “Please someone shoot me full of morphine and LSD, and toss the remnants out with the garbage when it’s all over.”
He’s in my lap now, collapsed, the main signs of life being his stomach growling and his legs shaking. I’ll be taking him to the vet this afternoon. Not sure if I can get morphine and LSD, but they probably have something. Or maybe a shot of vitamins and some concentrated nutriments will re-invigorate him… a little. Not sure that’s even desirable.
I pet him, and tell him he’s a good dog. Which he is. Anything else I should be doing?
Sounds like you’ve got it covered.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Buddy.