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Insiders Sound an Alarm Amid a Natural Gas Rush – NYTimes.com But the gas may not be as easy and cheap to extract from shale formations deep underground as the companies are saying, according to hundreds of industry e-mails…
via Andrew Sullivan/ the Dish/ Mental Health Break: The Daily What captions: Fusing together 36 separate YouTube covers of Radiohead’s “Paranoid Android,” Ohadi Amram created a synergistic cover that is far beyond the sum of its parts.
Leading From Behind – The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan – The Daily Beast Ezra Klein endorses my understanding of how Obama sees his presidency: When presidents succeed in presiding over great change, they do so by recognizing an…
Anyone doing anything, or are y’all doing nothing? As for myself, at the moment I’m continuing to hinder Mr. Miller with his yogic yoga book, and I think we’ve almost reached nowhere. Odds are at least fifty-fifty, in my estimation,…
Rand and Rubio – NYTimes.com Where Rubio talks sweepingly about America’s mission in the world, Paul expresses skepticism about nation-building and democracy promotion. Where Rubio invokes World War II and the cold war, Paul invokes the founding fathers’ fears…
From Rolling Back the Progressive Era | Michael Hudson: Financial strategists do not intend to let today’s debt crisis go to waste. Foreclosure time has arrived. That means revolution – or more accurately, a counter-revolution to roll back the 20th…
The Green Movement: Two Years Later, The Iranian Regime Continues To Brutalize Its Own People | The New Republic Just in the last few days, when democracy advocates in Tehran tried to commemorate the remarkable street protests that followed…
The Obama Doctrine Has Never Looked Better
Officer Bolton thinks Obama has already “bungled” Libya, but an even better sign for U.S. foreign policy is that Douglas Feith, with Seth Cropsey, has taken to the pages of Commentary to define and indict the entirety of the “Obama…