Anyone doing anything, or are y’all doing nothing?
As for myself, at the moment I’m continuing to hinder Mr. Miller with his yogic yoga book, and I think we’ve almost reached nowhere. Odds are at least fifty-fifty, in my estimation, that someday, despite my best efforts, it will be found in side-tables worldwide, along whatever Bibles, Qur’ans, Dhammapadas, etc., favored by whichever hotel or motel chains. You think I’m kidding…
Otherwise, you’d have no way of knowing, but might have guessed, that I spend my days mining tunnels through the accumulated mainly paper condensified crap-vomit of two or three decades of not just my own life, but the lives of several other sloppy pack-rats – a couple of them accomplished gurus of the yogic anti-yoga of accumulation of things. Some of it is what I’ve mainly been living offa sellin the last five or so years, but I need to get trashing and recycling and maybe bulk-selling to make space…
…for my main project, the one I’ve been tellin youse about for a good long time now. One of the things that’s been holding me back on sharing more of it with you – alongside superstition about talking too much about stuff, and also some related and I believe entirely valid concern about overexposing, overdoing, prematurely squandering – is that I might have to do something I expect to be painful and shocking for you: Exposure of the scarred and hulking aged Golem of me in photographic form.
hopefully volunteering a week to work at camp for kids with multiple sclerosis.
you’re so skilled at using words descriptively that pix may be superflux.