Monthly Archives: June 2011

Heavy thoughts on a Thursday in June 2011

It’s not heavy it’s my data: Today’s picture is from 1956, and shows an IBM hard drive. This unit would be used to store information, not unlike your memory stick, thumb drive, or camera memory card. The hard drive pictured

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Happy 10-Year Anniversary, Bush Tax Cutters!

The Bush Tax Cuts: Ten Years Later | Mother Jones   The anniversary of the cuts comes at a particularly fortuitous moment, with the political classes deep in debate over the increase in the federal deficit. Now is a good

Posted in Miscellany

Here’s How We’ll Be GTFO (mostly) A-stan

The Coming Afghan Drawdown | Swampland There’s the death of Osama bin Laden, of course; and the cache of documents seized in the operation that might lead to the capture of other al-Qaeda leaders (some of whom may decide to

Posted in Miscellany

Stupid Genius, or the Anatomy of a Brain Fart

Liberals think Sarah Palin is nauseatingly when not hilariously stupid.  Conservatives have convinced themselves that she’s stupid like a genius.  I think the liberals are obviously right at least in terms of conventional standards of verbal intelligence, but that doesn’t

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I’ve heard a lot of negative things about the Republican 2012 field…

…but this one’s a little strong: I was no fan of the Romney effort in ’08, but it was pretty main street, IMO. As for the other juxtaposition, my personal guesstimaview is that, though Anthony Weiner is a committed partisan

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Must be another Israel-hating anti-semitic tool of the great Marxist-Islamist-Alinskyist alliance

Ex-Mossad Chief Meir Dagan Sounds Alarms on Israel’s Leaders –   The man who ran Israel’s Mossad spy agency until January contends that Israel’s top leaders lack judgment and that anticipated pressures of international isolation as the Palestinians campaign

Posted in Miscellany

Sarah Palin’s Totally Non-Publicity-Seeking Revenge Tour

Indecision 2012 – Driving Miss Crazy – The Daily Show with Jon Stewart – 05/31/11 – Video Clip | Comedy Central

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On Scorpions and Frogs

Says bob, sarcastically, regarding the Scorpion and the Frog: As long as anthropomorthized animals deliver the message, I guess it’s OK. The first time I ever ran across the parable, it was in a book about the Middle East by

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