It’s not heavy it’s my data: Today’s picture is from 1956, and shows an IBM hard drive. This unit would be used to store information, not unlike your memory stick, thumb drive, or camera memory card. The hard drive pictured…
The Bush Tax Cuts: Ten Years Later | Mother Jones The anniversary of the cuts comes at a particularly fortuitous moment, with the political classes deep in debate over the increase in the federal deficit. Now is a good…
The Coming Afghan Drawdown | Swampland There’s the death of Osama bin Laden, of course; and the cache of documents seized in the operation that might lead to the capture of other al-Qaeda leaders (some of whom may decide to…
Ex-Mossad Chief Meir Dagan Sounds Alarms on Israel’s Leaders – The man who ran Israel’s Mossad spy agency until January contends that Israel’s top leaders lack judgment and that anticipated pressures of international isolation as the Palestinians campaign…