The TPers think they’re fighting to save capitalism, American freedom as ordained by God, before it’s too late, “too late” amounting to “any day now” by their variously innumerate and fantastical pseudo-calculations. Yet, in a way, kind of a park bench schizophrenic way but still self-consistently and even informatively a way, they could not be more right (make that “multiple ways”), and our real problem, the last new frontier, is and can only be making socialism work (engineering an American neo-socialism). Making matters more difficult for the country as a whole is that the project can hardly even be spoken of, except by those selfsame sociopaths, the ones who conceive of themselves as its moral/mortal enemies.
As for the President, this president, about to address us, the perplexities regarding his positioning in part stem from the nature of the office itself: It, or he, is the American anti-collective anti-state’s repository of collective self-consciousness as a state, the head decapitant, the integrator of a polity built on a defensive commitment to schizophrenia, united in positive resistance to any singular ideal, plurally unanimous – immensely successful on that non-basis, to this point if decreasingly, always for reasons other than any adduced.
That last sentence (paragraph) is a real doozer, in a good way in respect to writing. Wow. “always for reasons other than any adduced.” Exactly. You get to the heart of the crazy-making right there.