I take back what I was saying about that thar Phrog-ugliness being a joy to all.
I gotcher turning burning world right here:
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Tis a wallpaper-sized original, so be sure to click on it for the full Dumbo.
DUMBO in New York
The Manhattan Bridge connects to Brooklyn and is quite near the Brooklyn Bridge
DUMBO is very urban, old indusrtrial, and brick.
I’m away in the middle of Brooklyn in what the outside world knows as Flatbush. former farm land and big old wooden houses.
If you saw the movie of “Sophie’s Choice” and remember the rooming house that they lived in, that’s what my neighborhood and house looks like. (It was filmed a round here). Hundred year old houses built for when families had a half-dozen kids and needed as many bedrooms.
Most important for a drummer, detached and with a full basement.
We’ve got a few really swank apartment building with some of those features.and damn me if I say that I ever expected to have somebody say faux crenellated battlements to me.
I guess it’s as miggs would say,.nobody expects …….
I know my Tsar. He may sometimes fail to find the motivation to post something to knock my nonsense down the page, but give him a choice between a little effort or getting poked in the eye…….