…I’m thinking it’s coming time to retire the “Wreck Brow.” If you want to recommend something, you know how to do it: Put up a quick post, as an “aside “or not. If you really want to make it easy on yourself/don’t want to be an author, there are even easier ways for you to “share” a post or image you run across, utilizing Facebook or Twitter. Let me know if you want instructions or suggestions. I can even create a sidebar “widget” featuring your tweets, for example. Or you could set up your own twitter account, and I could follow it… well, there’s various possibilities… though at some point I also can get lost in them…
Anyway, if anyone cares to plead for the WreckBrow before I get rid of it, here’s your chance.
Using the aside for as mch as I used wb is fine. I’m not on twitter or fb. Right now, don’t really have an interest in them.
A fair amount of the discussion here is in response to wb articles. that’s mainly an observation, not an argument for or against anything.
AT this point, continued evolution is a good thing.