The wrongness of the appellation “Israel Firster” is the point of the appellation, thus the predictable development and devolution of a discussion – in the works of one damn blogger, blogging reporter, reporting blogger after another after another – that rises to the level of dialogue only where it breaks down completely, as what cannot be achieved by logic is instead achieved by the failure of logic, by the violent impact, the harm inflicted by whomever on whomsoever else and on themselves. The participants in this discussion will, because they must, continually and compulsively, inevitably and inescapably, underestimate the degree to which their own contradictory and incomplete self-identities have always already distorted and compromised their positions.Their necessary resort to rhetorical violence mimics and re-produces, but also precedes, pre-figures, the resort by real actors to physical violence. Pursuing a conversation supposedly about contested identities – national, political, religious or spiritual or eternal, historical, collective, individual all at once – performing own identity as contestation of the other’s, they search for the sum but repeat the same. Or: They search for the dispositively undeniable sum, the identity of identities, pure self-identity – the plain truth, the fair description, the bottom line – but what they find, ever, is refraction of the failure with which they began, as they likely even have been warned they would, some time before choosing to go on anyway as though for some good reason. As a substitute for the discussion that never actually commences, we receive a disorganized catalog of factoidal assertions built on unexamined assumptions, a collective stammering of fragmentary mantras, until both sides half-collapse from fatigue, and drag themselves, along with their new or re-opened wounds, from the anti-orgy, each and all half-convinced of half-victory, half self-assured that the other half halfway at least knows and feels deep down that he/she/they/it lost… then begin again the search for that plain fair true real falsehood. No one, least of all your half-Jew half-host more than half expects anyone actually to understand even halfway. No one discussing the notion of “Israel First,” as no one once upon a time discussing the mirror notion of “America First,” can fully comprehend the paradox embedded in the concept except materially, except in the actualization of their ignorance – their, your, my, our ignorance – via politics.
(Illustration: George Washington Crucified © Stephen Alcorn; Casein on poplar panel; 26″ x 20″; http://www.alcorngallery. com)
that was one well-polished little bijou.
lit up my little green kisser.
You’re an Anti-National Treasure, Your Very Highness,
small only tiny hardly-even perhaps a correction…….
Is it “Israel Firster” that they’re calling me sometimes,
I thought that they thought that papa Fuster yclept me as Israel ?