Monthly Archives: February 2012

I toughed it out hoping that it would get better and it finally did…it ended.

“This is a horse movie with horses about horses, starring horses. If that sounds appealing, you already knew you will love this movie, so go watch it. If it doesn’t… well, the horse-wife will, so watch it anyways, because you

Posted in Movies, notes

Fools, Their Money, and Citizens More and More United

the post-CU world is a world in which the 0.0001% are financing a remarkably effective satire undermining themselves and their chosen spokespeople: Diminishing returns as morality play.

Posted in Politics Tagged with: , , ,

Even if it ain’t brokered, you still can’t fix it

The real nightmare is already ongoing, and everyone in the family knows it: of a party splintering, each main ideological element of the Reagan Era coalition exposed both as insufficient on its own terms and as unable to discover a compelling rationale for uniting with its customary allies.

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Jarring’s One Word For It (Wouldna Found This Even Believable 4 Yrs Ago)

The Palin character, sitting opposite Schmidt in a campaign bus, says McCain would “continue to have an open dialogue” with the queen of England on the subject. Flabbergasted, the Schmidt character informs her the queen is not the head of government. Palin asks who is. He informs her that the country has a prime minister.

Strong said he uncovered that additional episode during the 25 interviews he conducted with principals from Team McCain. Schmidt confirmed the account.

Posted in Movies, notes, Politics Tagged with:

His name is nobody

The economic liberal whose personality is another “private equity” is the human exponent of the universal equivalent, money, and approximates its mode of operation in his chameleonlike adaptability. Yesterday he was a social liberal, today he’s a social conservative. He doesn’t “really” care. He isn’t “really” anyone, at least as far as we’re concerned. And that’s who he is for political purposes – same as what he comes across as – no one in particular.

Posted in Philosophy, Politics, Religion Tagged with: , , , ,


I don’t think the earlier Iron Sky Trailer had as much President Palin:

Posted in Movies, notes

We let her out of our sight II

It is, of course, a crucifixion.

Posted in Music, Photography, Religion

We let her out of our sight

It’s just a movie poster, for a movie I don’t recall anyone ever having had much to say about, but the image always stuck in my mind, and today it seems especially sad and expressive. The concept of the movie

Posted in Music

A Second Is(a)iah?

He combines a good shot with excellent court awareness and ball skills, and his more Nash than Paul style meshes with D’Antoni’s offense. He’s not yet really been tested, but he’s clearly earned the right to a real test beyond whatever inevitable and likely impending drop-off in his performance and in attention.

Posted in Sports Tagged with:

been a bad blogger

Polanyi should be more relevant. And I should have been doing more blogging, even though I’ve been very distracted.

Posted in Books, notes