Monthly Archives: April 2012

The fate of MWP and Mom Harden’s elbow – updated

And a remote-controlled shock collar operated by an anonymous league official to be employed whenever he looks like he’s losing control.

Posted in Meta, notes, Sports, War

Extra ordinary fragments never to be read, understood, or thought

you may think you understand but you do not understand you will never understand understanding of this kind is beyond you

Posted in Books, Featured, History, Internet, Philosophy, Religion Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

The Theory of O

For present purposes, it may well be that nothing as ideologically coherent as an authentically left program or for that matter as Tea Party “federalism” (or Romney-Ryan free market devolution) can be implemented in the United States of America. The Theory’s very adequacy to the political moment may therefore be identical with its inadequacy to greater challenges that the American political system, maybe the American nation-state itself as presently constituted, cannot even recognize, much less successfully confront. From this point of view, the apocalypse would be not what was avoided via the Showdown, but what the showdown showed us through a crack in the blinds, something that cannot forever be voted in or out or up or down, hidden under a “tarp,” or put off until another year or two for further putting off for another year or two…

Posted in Books, Politics Tagged with: , , ,

a better very, very bad translation of Grass’s poem + some bonus research

just for the sake of keeping track of this stuff and maybe someday doing something more with it, for the best social-scientific-philosophical reasons,

Posted in History, Internet, Philosophy, Politics, War Tagged with: , , , , ,

letztlich auch uns (Beinart + Grass)

To connect the apostate Beinart to the declared enemy Grass, and both of them to everyone else: While we may fear a radically illiberal enemy state gaining possession of nuclear weapons, we may also wonder if we’re witnessing the slow transformation, with our aid and under our own protection, of our ally into a radically illiberal state, one that already possesses a nuclear arsenal.

Posted in Books, History, International Relations Tagged with: ,

what must be heard

“was gesagt werden muss”/”what must be said,” Guenter Grass’s un-poetic poetic response to current events involving Germans, Israelis, Iranians and all of the rest of the world, is dominated, and justified, by a recognition emerging from geopolitical facticity, by that murderously coercive course of the world that Adorno juxtaposes to art: The wheel of historical fortune has turned in such a way that the national heirs of Nazism (of the genocidal) are supplying delivery vehicles for weapons of mass destruction (weapons of genocide) to the heirs of Zionism (and of genocide).

Posted in Art, International Relations, Politics, War Tagged with: , ,

Derbyshire’s Children

Since John Derbyshire brought his family into it, I feel free to imagine a response on the part of his child – in effect to mark the transition via adolescent resistance on the way to autonomous adulthood. “Why should I follow what you advise, father? So I can grow up to live a life as morally impoverished, as safe from the risky vitality of others, as immune to hope, as yours?”

Posted in Featured, Internet, Miscellany, Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Politics, Religion Tagged with: ,

Yes, they’re Social Darwinists, but so are you

The second problem is that social Darwinism loosely speaking describes the political unconscious of most centrist liberalism as well.

Posted in Politics, Religion Tagged with: , , , , ,

BIG: New KB24 Commercial

…why we still kind of like commercials… and basketball… and Kobe… pretty much no matter what.

Posted in Art, Movies, Music, notes, Sports, TV Tagged with: , ,

Because mainstream opinion is still catching up with the radicalization of the remnant right

after the Bush catastrophe and ahead of the oncoming demographic deluge

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