A certain internet video artist who shall remain nameless for now (don’t much want to turn up on certain searches) has done a translation of Grass’s poem that strikes me as better than the more respectable ones that I’ve seen. Unfortunately, a bit of research reveals this translator to be a death-metallic anti-semitic zombie-apocalyptic lunatic…
…the sortafeller quoted approvingly at sites where it is taken as established that the Mossad was behind 9/11, and where Israeli sponsorship of the Japanese tsunami – maybe not the whole thing, but at least the worst problems concerning the Fukushima reactor – is chewed over quasi-thoughtfully.
I hadn’t run across that one before.
In the interests of Wissenschaft, I’ll add that the speculation combines some supposed Israeli engineering firm, the STUXNET computer virus and the Mossad again… not sure I figured out the supposed Israeli motivation, unless it’s considered an accident or collateral damage. Maybe it’s just world-running conspiratorial business as usual…
Anyway, back to the poem… Gilad Atzmon (!) loved this version – so even if that doesn’t tell me the exact same things that it tells Jeffrey Goldberg, it tells me some overlapping things…
…not, however, in my opinion, that Grass’s poem is “anti-semitic” or needs to be burned… nor does it prove it’s a good poem… by any means… (I have avoided making any such claim in any of my three posts on the subject.)
…and it’s worth pointing out that, though free in some respects, the translation does not skate on Grass’s acknowledgment of the indelible “stain” of the Holocaust on German history…
I’m treating the whole phenomenon, text in its context, as evidence for my longer standing argument that there is no sanity about this “region occupied by madness,” this region that is precisely as much a state of being as a place, and that any penetration of that state of being is a plunge into madness, with no tolerable integrated mental one-state solution known to exist on the other side, assuming there is another side.
While I was noticing that Atzmon had the video, I also noticed another ‘tube at his site, this one on Gandhi’s letters to Orwell and Hitler during World War II, that offered more striking evidence for my theory, so I’m I’m appending it as well. Scott might find the Gandhi video especially interesting, but not for a “poetry slam.” I’m not sure that Scott will like knowing about it, but I think he’ll at least want the opportunity to split away from it – assuming Scott’s not in fact already completely familiar with the whole story backwards and forwards.
Without further ado – our double feature:
well, it’s still a reeking pile of nonsense….. but I’m sure that he means well.