“No ought from is” would be
an is-statement
fundamental to any conceivable ought
unless the denial of all oughts including all ought-nots,
a statement of maximal possible ought-ness
derived from the non-ness of ought-ness,
no-ought from not,
ought ought-not from is not,
anti-ought ought from not-is is.
No one who believes it means it,
as meaning is the ought of is,
without which there could be
neither belief nor who,
and therefore neither being
much less
nor statement.
What purposes are served
by the presumption of purposelessness?
Ought-O lives! Love the parentheticals. (0: I know that symbol there just ruined everything–which is the ought-to, or ought-2 point. I didn’t make it up. It’s just the goofier, clown with a nose version of the smiley face text symbol. As opposed to sad-clown… )0: