Monthly Archives: September 2012

Occupy Nothing

Ecologism comes as close to dialectical materialism as positive or bourgeois science can while still remaining positive science, somewhat in the same manner as cognitive science and physics approach each other at their limits, but on the level of lived history. Nature itself, including human nature, the working world itself, turns out always to have already filled the revolutionary opening that we workers of the world have never quite managed to occupy. The Earth is the true proletarian.

Posted in Ecology, Featured, Philosophy, Politics Tagged with: , , , , , ,

It’s the War, Intellectuals (not the Drones)

Regardless of where we come down in the end on the wisdom and justifiability of the administration’s war policies, criticism that does not take the full debate and its real subject into consideration, that merely repeats what we already know – that war is awful and morally, culturally, and politically deforming; that it exceeds the terms of normal, lawful policy; that it makes us act like “barbarians” all on the way to Hell – does not deserve to be and likely will not be taken seriously.

Posted in Featured, Philosophy, Politics, The Exception, War Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

What they do not want to know about American democracy

The social contract is signed in blood.

Posted in Featured, Politics, The Exception, War Tagged with: , , , , ,

Abuse and real use of the first drafts of history (liberalism vs the exception 3)

We are hostages to the decision, including our own collective decision on one “decider” as opposed to another. Articles like Lewis’, if they reinforce our confidence in the existent rather than the ideal executive, help us to accommodate ourselves to a void in the law and its effects: The existence of this void can serve our needs; or it can be hemmed in politically – which is to say partially and provisionally; or it can be survived until the day it happens to kill us – but it cannot be legislated or reasoned way. So we can expand our general observation on liberalism – including the liberalism that advertises its libertarian purism or its republican virtues or its partisan conservatism, with or without the tri-corner hats and Minuteman costumes: As we know, it has nothing interesting to say about these issues. It does, however, very much like to pretend that it does.

Posted in Philosophy, Politics, The Exception, War Tagged with: , ,

For Better or Worse America Is Progress

America is global progressivism up to the transformation of progress itself into new forms adequate to the world that progress has made, against the main alternative outcome of progress: extinction.

Posted in Featured, History, Neo-Imperialism, Philosophy, Politics, US History Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

Bloody Hypocrites

Human beings have bloody borders and bloody innards. And are a bunch of bloody hypocrites.

Posted in International Relations, notes, Politics, Religion Tagged with: , ,

High Noon for the Mitt Contract

There’s usually a tradable bounce, sometimes a breathtaking recovery move, in a heavily traded stock undergoing this kind of collapse. That was one of the few trade set-ups, and one of the most exciting to act on, that I ever got any good at – but I’m not convinced at all that InTrade is the kind of market where that sort of thing is doable.

Posted in notes, Politics Tagged with: ,



Posted in Old Gone Over

Progress beyond progress through the foundation of the Founding

To progress beyond progress we will need to penetrate more deeply into the foundation of the Founding.

Posted in History, notes, Philosophy, Politics

foreign policy is theology by proxy

Foreign policy is theology by proxy, not merely because all important modern theories of the state are secularized theological concepts, nor merely because the relationship of the citizen to the modern nation-state is a sacrificial commitment, but because a stance implicitly on the fate of all humankind, on the world state of states and its possible purposes, and on the right relationship of each and all of us to each and all of us, is divined before it can be analyzed or expressed.

Posted in Featured, History, International Relations, Neo-Imperialism, notes, Philosophy, Politics Tagged with: , , ,