New contributor: Robert A Greer

I’m happy to announce that Robert Greer has agreed to contribute posts here on the subject of ecology (or ecologism and its alternatives). Though I have never met Robert, from his comments and guest-posts at the League of Ordinary Gentlemen blog – and also from his tweets at @robertagreer – I know him to be a provocative and articulate writer, and the e-mails we’ve recently exchanged have me looking forward eagerly to his first posts. I especially appreciate his feel for the self-reflexivity of ecological questions, for the many ways that thinking about ecology becomes a way of thinking about ourselves, but it will be up to him to define his approach – whether it will be more topical or more philosophical, more internet-combative or more educational-informational. Robert will also be as free as anyone who contributes here to follow his investigations wherever they lead him, or, if he feels like it, “just to blog” on whatever else is crossing his mind.


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  1. Welcome, Robert. This is Scott Miller–known on this blog as the New Age Meanie. I’m going to read your first post now and will probably comment there as well. Again, welcome.

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