My New Year’s Resolution on greater indiscipline was intended to help me “put out” more material, but has instead, as perhaps should have been predictable, had the exact opposite effect. So far. I’ve actually been quite productive, I think, but haven’t brought very much to publishing term. I think this situation may change soon, however, perhaps under the pressure of events and responsibilities, though I’m often completely wrong about such matters… so we’ll see, or maybe we won’t, we’ll see, etc. I’m also thinking about some new formats for reading post sequences in the order presented instead of in backwards chronological regular blog and archive orders.
And I’ve also been working on transferring my dad Duncan MacLeod’s old 78rpm demo discs to didge. Here’s my favorite track so far:
There are eight at Soundcloud, or SoundMacLeod, now.
The rest of the post is hidden under the “Spoiler” below.
[wpspoiler name=”Coming Soon Under Some Definitions of Soon, God-Willing under Some Definitions of God” style=”ui-lightness”]
For now, just to keep track, and to help those at home playing along while possible new topics or other contingencies intrude on best-laid self-publishing plans, I have the following pieces on file undergoing additional work:
- A second and third post on Eric Voegelin’s Gnosis… the second concerning especially an unacknowledged Hegelian or idealist Christology, or description of Christianity in history; the third (unless the second ends up being divided or another or others in the same series need to be interposed) looking more specifically at Christianity in relation to Nazism, and in more general relation to an anti-ideological or anismistic and syncretic philosophy of history. These posts all follow the series that began with my questions about belief and the non-declaratory faith of the Nones. I think I have all but promised future posts in this series, including some further discussion of Hermann Cohen, Kojève’s radical atheism, and a closer look at Hegel’s theology and philosophy of world history. Since this examination is turning out to unify numerous strands of inquiry, it just keeps growing and consuming, utterly monstrously…
- Two additional posts on the Complexity of Torture,one on defining the issue, the other on how we discuss it politically. A 0D30 review may count as a fourth post, but will more likely have to stand on its own – assuming time and opportunity both to see the movie and to write on it arise.
- A now three-part post on contradictions within Liberal Democracy of Relevance to Islamism……should be appearing soon if things go reasonably well, though I had expected to be putting it up long before now (before I perhaps unwisely entered Voegelin-land and theology): an introductory post, a post on the internal contradictions of the liberal democratic regime form, and a post on the contradictory relationship to religion in liberal democracy. The overall themes and structure were previewed in the theses I posted on the same topic, under the larger Cairo and Philadelphia rubric. If time permits, I will add an annotated bibliography.
I feel like in the distant past you’ve referred to your dad’s musical career and the effect on you growing up. Maybe something about all that would be something for you to consider writing about.
Anyway, look forward to all that to the menu you’re working on – just keep rollin along.