The Iraq/Syria discussion or near-non-discussion reminds me of recent arguments on same sex marriage, in which, as we have discussed before, any suggestion of a reasonable concern, or the suggestion of the possibility of a reasonable concern on the part of same sex marriage opponents, is taken as “bigotry.” On Twitter last night, a strong supporter of SSM began to acknowledge that his political adversaries or those they represent might indeed have reason to be “upset” by the demotion of their ideals in the law and society, but we still ended up here:
When I pointed out that race and therefore racial purity are, , unlike biological reproduction, dispensable and noxious fictions, Mr. Kuznicki turned to a claim that SSM opponents must believe that “straight people” require “approval” in order to go on about their procreative business.
We can turn to The Drones, or Torture, or for that matter to budget deficits, financialization of the U.S. and global economy, gun violence, or earnestly dismissive critiques of Zero Dark Thirty or bloody morning after reviews of The Walking Dead Season 3 finale: Politics as the ambulatory death of thought, often including the thoughts with which one might otherwise be inclined to agree.
no problem with people having a special place in their hearts and minds for it, Jason.
but their sorta is a problem when the government uses the law to forbid other types of families from having the equal protection of the law …without being able to demonstrate a legitimate purpose for the ban.