Monthly Archives: May 2013

Two Onto-Theo-Anthropological Hypotheses

Today we begin with our latest endings.

Posted in Anismism, Philosophy, Religion Tagged with: , , , , ,

Putting Putting the Putting of Our Words into Words into Words into Words

Posted in Uncategorized

Notes on A Living Originalism

The purpose of this unusually long post is to review and expand upon a discussion under a set of posts by Tim Kowal and Burt Likko, who are practicing attorneys with interest in Constitutional Law, on doctrines of Constitutional interpretation. The perhaps still distant objective is a framework for a “synthetic originalism” or “vital originalism” or “living originalism,” or a Unified Theory or at least Adequate Description of American Constitutionalism…

Posted in Featured, Legal Philosophy, Political Philosophy, The Exception, US History Tagged with: , , , , , ,

How dare you call Hayek profound?

Though Robin sometimes seems to intend to incriminate Hayek and others by association, as with the likes of Pinochet, perhaps as a way to emphasize his continued membership in good standing on the political Left, there is nothing in the core of his argument, as opposed to its trivial polemical decorations, that a Hayekian ought to find embarrassing. To the contrary, Robin attributes “profundity and daring” to Hayek and his marginal siblings. Thought through, Robin’s arguments may present at least as many difficulties to a leftist, including one operating from Robin’s own presumptions, as to a conservative or to a libertarian.

Posted in Economics, Featured, History, Philosophy, Politics Tagged with: ,

trolling Libertariana

I blame the sudden heat wave…

Posted in notes, Political Philosophy

Libertarianism as Core-Extreme Ideology of the Liberal Democratic State

Libertarianism is infant liberal-democracy, the arrested development of the polity fixated at the level of the pre-socialized or socialization-resistant individual – the pre-dialogical, self-sufficient, natural “I-atheist.”

Posted in Featured, History, Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Politics, Religion Tagged with: , , , , ,

“the false notion of heroic self-made aristocracy”

betwixt a false reason and none at all

Posted in Anismism, Philosophy, Politics Tagged with: , , , , ,

A Global Force for Goods

What the commercials want to tell or remind us is this: The US Navy is the US global-historical role and purpose objectified, American ideology concretely, defined by a presumption that the two meanings of “for good” become the same meaning over time, are always approaching each other via that arc “bending toward justice” that the President likes to recall in his seemingly most heartfelt speeches.

Posted in Neo-Imperialism, TV, War Tagged with: , , , ,

Ridiculously Obscene

In what kind of society would it be possible to separate identical twins at birth, but have them retain the same last names, and bring them together at some later date just to see how they react to each other? In what kind of society, or social system, would it be possible for such a long-term experiment on two human beings to be carried out?

Posted in TV Tagged with:

The Ferguson Corollary

not Burke, but a crude satire of Burke, a parody of natural law reasoning that happens to reverse the very concept of culture, the immortality of ideas, telepoesis across centuries and millennia, that produces and that would justify, if seemingly a little bit less this morning than the day before, distinguished Harvard professors, and for that matter the production of new generations of potential students, at all.

Posted in Culture & Entertainment, Philosophy, Politics Tagged with: ,