The Circa Five Multi-Purpose Collapsible Extensible Adjustable Folding Flexible Monopods of Faith

Did not mean to be snide, but I had a reaction to the linked post, as I have had to many posts by the same author, probably similar to Don Miguel’s reaction to me just the other day.

“Doubt” is an antonym for “faith” – so faithdoubt or doubtfaith suggests a highly unstable condition. This observation is not meant to deny the Dostoevskyian witness of the greatest doubt next to the greatest faith, or the agonies of Luther or of centuries of flagellants in search of certainly certain certainty, or the struggles of an Ibn Rushd to have his Islamic religion of reason seen as anything other than equivocal by true believers. Yet the suspicion remains inescapable that the believer urging skepticism may be after something other than a truth, but rather some adequately convenient, not too troublesome disposition, or what a commenter refers to as a “mushy liberal version of religion.”

The Biblical references on the subject that come immediately to mind are Revelation: 3:16, Deuteronomy 6:5 – the latter also spoken by Jesus Christ in Luke 10:27, Mark 12:30, and Matthew 22:7 – but there is hardly a shortage of passages from the old time religion calling for us not to waver and warning us against it. Perhaps we should imagine for the Nones, or for the Nones who do not recognize their Noneism but make a Nonery of a nominally traditional religion, not “pillars of faith,” but something more up-to-date, possibly a passel of differently sized versions of these guys:

flexible monopod


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