“the false notion of heroic self-made aristocracy”

an enlightened utterance ((The comment appears at a discussion generally referencing “Nietzsche’s Marginal Children”, an essay by Dr. Corey Robin in The Nation; also discussed downthread at “Driving Blind: Foucault, Nietzsche, and Dotcom” at The League of Ordinary Gentlemen.)) in response to which we will note, with our friend Mr. Hume: “We have… no choice left but betwixt a false reason and none at all.” ((A Treatise of Human Nature, Book I, Part IV, Section VII, in David Hume Collection (Kindle Location 4147). )) Rousseau concurs, but Nietzsche remains more popular among “us” (not “really” more popular in the more material sense, in which Rousseau and Hume reign), because, in addition to reaching that same conclusion, and before he descended into complications and dissociations indistinguishable from “none at all,” he invited us to make up and celebrate any more pleasing reason-no-more-true-nor-false. In the social-political dimension, the problem that Nietzsche encountered and we encounter, or that we simply ignore if it it suits our needs or preferences or madness, is that the peculiar false reason of the mass liberal democratic regime form remains a true reason precisely to the extent that, like the dying fairy, it is always applauded back to life. If the people childishly choose false democracy democratically, then it is a truly-if-childishly and truly-because-childishly democratically chosen false democracy, more authentically democratic than the rejected ideally or supposedly authentic democracy, and the lonely post-Humean Nietzschean has nothing to offer against the massed innocents except the necessarily generally unheard assertion that he or she, for his or her own perfectly unaccountable reasons, prefers something else, as if we might ever have had some doubt on that score, and even though or because he or she utterly lacks the power to produce that something else except within the limits of the room set aside for him or her by his or her family or perhaps the state, if family or state so chooses on the basis of connections and assumptions, those also false notions truly believed and believed true, that family and state retain against the lonely post-Humean Nietzschean’s ridicule, whether shouted or scrawled or whispered in free stride naked back and forth across the floor, covered in his or her but to be honest typically his own filth, impotently priapic, priapically impotent, occasionally pausing to play piano also with his elbows, and calling it supreme performance.



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  1. You’re right of course, we should all admit we are nothing without the sovereign, frankly that Magna Carta thing was a step too far.

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