Don’t Feed the Bloggers!

Should have gone without saying, and have been perfectly obvious to Conor P. Williams before he set out, that a closed-comments post (actually now two posts) against blog-commenting could only be taken as aggravated trolling, or trolling with special circumstances. Williams, in short, does not understand that his post is just another presumably worthless “comment,” only in a different format, otherwise merely an utterly unnecessary and self-defeating explication of the frequently repeated, as dismally self-unaware slogan “Don’t Read Comments!” ((…which even has its own self-voiding twitter account)) In creating a new post for responses to Williams’ “paradoxical” offering, his colleague Tod Kelly ruined the image of a perfectly ridiculous performance: premonition of the Final Blog Post, by a blogger who, in manufacturing his own appropriately contemptuous refusal of response, trolls himself in two ways at once, achieving absolutely nothing, just like all the rest of us, only more so. In the ensuing unwanted discussion – which would have occurred somewhere else, but more disconnectedly or perhaps more restrictively or privately, as Williams says he prefers – the commenters seemed to sense that they had been, once again, insulted by their blogger, whose theme is an argument against himself through their derogation, but at a self-displacing place like “Ordinary Times,” formerly “The League of Ordinary Gentlemen,” there is no responsibility (possible only within an accountable and transparent, comprehended and reversible system of communication), rather only a deteriorating façade separating ever less from its negation: everything, or anything at all.

5 comments on “Don’t Feed the Bloggers!

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    • You DARE to disfigure my beautiful post with your lowly comment?! I suppose you expect me to read and reply to it! I will not, sir, I will not. I have better, more important things to do than to be caught dead in a blog comment thread.

      Never visited Culture 11, and I’m not sure if its archives are still on-line. takes you here: Maybe you can tell me whether it’s fitting.

  1. I know I’m nothing but a lowly muskrat, well Popular Science is doing it, so it’s catchy, he can go completely TimeSelect, and no riffraff will darken his door.

3 Pings/Trackbacks for "Don’t Feed the Bloggers!"
  1. […] commenters seriously, I’m still not a fan of the DRC theme, as I’ve indicated before both on this blog and on […]

  2. […] As we have observed before, all posts – as by further reasonable extension all articles, essays, treatises, books, Facebook updates, multimedia Snapchat ephemera, and retweeted links to images of the more photogenic galaxies – are commentary by other means. [↩] […]

  3. […] As we have observed before, all posts – as by further reasonable extension all articles, essays, treatises, books, Facebook updates, multimedia Snapchat ephemera, and retweeted links to images of the more photogenic galaxies – are commentary by other means. [↩] […]

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