Beware, Safari-ites, animated gif after the jump:
Divine truth hides from the one who reaches for it with one hand only, regardless of whether this reaching hand is that of philosopher’s realism, which imagines itself as having no presuppositions, soaring above things, or the theologian’s blindness that, proud of its experience, shuts itself off from the world. It wants to be implored with both hands. To the one who calls to it with the double prayer of the believer and of the unbeliever, it will not be denied.
–Franz Rosenzweig ((The Star of Redemption, p. 314, translated by Barbara E. Galli))
Thanks for the text version.
When I read your reply on “fun new toy..” I thought of making a jokey response, making light of it, but seeing the actual implementation, the animation would have caused real distress if I had attempted to read it.
This way I can appreciate a least a little of the graphic impact of the animation just by a second or so glance without being impacted negatively by the graphic.
Anyway…just skimmed Standford Encyc of Philosophy entry on Rosenzweig and yikes!
Don’t know if you’ve stopped by AG lately – just did a post on emptiness that I have plans to continue. Could be an interesting pairing if you provide a commentary on Rosenzweig.