Took me a a long time to get around to this, but “” is no more, or close enough to no more to count as no more…
I still own the domain name, and links to should work just fine for now, instantly re-directing you to reincarnations of the old posts, pages, images, and everything else. Still, though you don’t need to update your bookmarks, you probably should do so – replacing with – if you intend to keep coming by, since someday likely prior to the end of the internet as we know it, likely prior to the end of your own browsing life, I or successor will stop renewing the ZC domain name or maintaining the re-directs. I would of course also appreciate it if you let me know of any bugs you encounter. For that matter, I’d be happy to consider bids for the name: It’s great if you’re into zombies and you’re contentious, or are into both zombies and contentions about zombies, and so on…
I won’t pause here to reminisce about the origins of the name “Zombie Contentions,” or to explain what it was meant to convey and why I didn’t mind leaving it in the address bar long after its obsolescence. We did that subject to death and death again somewhere or multiple times along the way. Just please consider it (one last zombie metaphor) finally shot in the head.
It will unlive forever in our hearts.