Face of the Faceless

Another one:


This can’t really be what the designers intended, right?

As I was just discussing with @bpsycho1 on Twitter, my suspicion is that the designers imagined a different type or different types of photos, and that the editors either never got the memo or are sloppy about executing the concept. The composition does work pretty well in some instances – like with the photo below or even in a way on the Obama photo shown in my prior post on this peevy subject.


9 comments on “Face of the Faceless

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  1. Furthermore a publication owned by a facebook mogul, has some nerve, deriding a retired oligarch, who before he facilitated
    Gore’s carbon capping fantasies, did bring value to the world,

    • TNR isn’t taking a stand against making tons of money. It’s taking a stand against saying stupid stuff… and thus, among other things, also drawing attention to your conspicuous consumption as well. Indeed, if I were a billionaire I might be eager to dissociate myself from the likes of Perkins, and take criticizing him to be my responsibility. So wouldn’t take “a lot of nerve” at all.

  2. that train sailed five years ago, yes Perkins is careless in language, it’s a poor reaction to the Hollande idiocy being bandied about DeBlasio, and others,

  3. Well Wilentz does an interesting Minitrue exercise, not that’s terribly successful, although aspects of it, might explain the
    affinity with Putin,

  4. On the web design part of this…

    Yeah, I agree the concept-execution gap is the most likely explanation. An further example tagged with “photography” requires an extra copy of the photo the text discuses in the body of the text to make the text intelligible.

  5. Wilentz piece, reminds of Dos Passo’s complaint aired often in the
    USA trilogy, through Randolph Bourne, what exactly does he believe,

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  1. […] heading problems we earlier this year filed under “discounted countenance” and “face of the faceless.” I never attempted to capture other aspects of the design, but other elements have also been […]

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