Monthly Archives: April 2014

Two comments on a/strategic concepts at Zenpundit

The strategic vs a-strategic opposition derives from β€œThe US Needs to Re-Discover the Concept of Strategy,” a post by “seydlitz89,” though the figure “a/strategy” does – obviously, possibly somewhat serendipitously, possibly according to some inner necessity – happen to fit

Posted in Neo-Imperialism, notes, War Tagged with:

Liberals against Liberalism (Chait’s Insanity)

To be a meaningful right, the right to argue must also entail a right to win.

Posted in Featured, History, Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Politics Tagged with: , , , ,

“new since last visit” comment formatting

For now on, when you return to a comment thread, all comments that have been added since your last visit should be background-highlighted.

Posted in Meta, Web Design

David Bentley Hart as Atheist (On Creative Principle and Creator Principal)

Simply to assert, as Hart very much seems to, that the truth of a religious tradition is utterly severable from every particular element of that tradition, that it is essentially irrelevant to the inquiry into religion what the mass of believers believe or say they believe or are asked to believe, is, for the atheist, bad faith: a mere changing of the subject if not a deception.

Posted in Anismism, Featured, Philosophy, Religion, Yoga Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Objectively, the Chait Insanity Theorem Holds

In some instances, to be a Republican conservative may even include regret that, as a practical political matter, a valid critique of government programs supposedly intended to aid the poor or “underprivileged” is unnecessarily obscured or diverted by disparate impacts on racially or ethnically or, one might even say, historically and naturally defined sectors. Beutler and possibly Chait, as true left-liberal believers, will be reluctant to believe that anyone could possibly think such a thing.

Posted in notes, Political Philosophy, Politics Tagged with: , ,

National-Imperial vs Neo-Imperial

If Larison does not acknowledge or if we do not have a vital or overriding interest in supporting Israel, then neither Larison should find nor do we have any vital or overriding interest in criticizing Israel either.

Posted in International Relations, Neo-Imperialism Tagged with: , , ,

“Not a Bug Splat” – Drone Warfare and Utopia

A piece of political concept art may not be God’s frustration of Mephistopheles – the evil one condemned to achieve good despite himself – but neither is it exactly entirely not-that.

Posted in Art, Neo-Imperialism, notes, War Tagged with: , , , , ,


Because Jonathan Chait tweeted out a link to my post on his complete insanity, we experienced a bit of a hiccup in these here parts on Thursday. Normally this blog is easily a low enough traffic place not to require

Posted in notes

The sanity of Chait’s “complete insanity” (race in contemporary American politics)

To root_e, agreeing to argue on the basis of a mutually agreed upon, or equal or fair, observation of the taboo against expression of a white racist or racial interest amounts to unilateral disarmament. He might say that racists do not deserve fairness, but to act on that basis consistently would mean to pursue an “unfair” political discourse or a discourse without presumption of good faith – an illiberal discourse whose uses were entirely subordinate to the successful prosecution of a power struggle against a designated enemy that must be destroyed, with whom no public space truly worthy of preservation can be sustained.

Posted in Politics Tagged with: , ,

Which came first, politics or stupidity?

Archived version of Storify post.

Posted in notes