Monthly Archives: May 2014

Site Monetization (Introduction)

The point for me will be as much to develop greater expertise – as well as methods, tools, research, and so on – that would be transferable to other virtual locales, for instance for writers who are more popular or well-established than I am, and who desire greater independence and security than they currently enjoy, but who do not possess requisite coding abilities and design experience.

Posted in Meta, Monetization, notes, Web Design Tagged with: ,

one cheer for TNR’s re-re-design

TNR has addressed the image treatment/article heading problems we earlier this year filed under “discounted countenance” and “face of the faceless.” I never attempted to capture all aspects of that prior design or re-design or pre-re-re-design, but other elements have also been adjusted, with mixed to dysfunctional results.

Posted in notes, Web Design Tagged with:

Scrapheap 2014.05.12 – People like Bundy, Eich, Sterling, Robertson, Deen, and Spinoza

Posted in notes, Philosophy, Politics Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

general comments on web design philosophy (return of the blog)

I like a human, or organic, or physical sense for a site, sometimes tending to skeuomorphism – erring on the side of familiar and user-friendly, especially with older and non-technologically inclined internet users in mind.

Posted in Web Design

different but equal

@NeoconMaudit suggests that having Charles Murray review A Troublesome Inheritance, a new book on genetics and race by New York Times science writer Nicholas Wade, looks almost like “trolling” on the part of the Wall Street Journal. According to Murray,

Posted in notes

Archived Storify dialogue on Cliven Bundy’s alleged racism

Viewable on Storify here.

Posted in Culture & Entertainment, notes, Politics, US History Tagged with: , , ,

Climate Change vs Moderation

This is the problem with Crook’s brand of High Broderist faux-moderation. Crook says he supports some kind of carbon tax and public funding for research and mitigation, but he quite obviously hasn’t given the slightest thought as to whether that

Posted in Neo-Imperialism, notes, Politics, Science Tagged with: , ,