Monthly Archives: July 2014

Getting Over Yourself with WP to Twitter

We should notify people when we write about them. It’s better for them, and better for us. That’s all there is to it. So make it easier.

Posted in Web Design Tagged with:

OBL’s Argument (2): Gomorrah

On my Twitter feed recently, among commemorations of the Austro-Hungarian declarations of July 28, 1914, now recognized as the beginning of World War I, another anniversary was also briefly noted: Of Operation Gomorrah, on July 28, 1943, an aerial bombardment

Posted in Philosophy, Politics, War Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Pennies for Our Thoughts (Cent-Up)

…a blogger need only add a teensy bit of code by one of several different simple methods, and posts will automatically (by Javascript) display Cent-Up’s monetary “Like.” As for readers, after a one-time sign-up, they will be able to put their money where their eyeballs are, as little as a few cents at a time, by clicking the button wherever it appears on whoever’s site it turns up for them. Cent-Up collects the proceeds, takes 10%, and divides the rest 50-50 between the author and one of (as of this writing) “seven great charities” serving “public radio, art for people with disabilities, music education, fighting sex trafficking, breast cancer, education access, and helping impoverished women.”

Posted in Meta, Monetization Tagged with: , ,

ever higher (interlude on Binladenism and Gaza)

(an interlude in the discussion of Osama Bin Laden’s interesting argument) Corey Robin denounces as “casuistry” and “the higher sociopathy” an attempt by Yishai Schwartz to justify the Israeli invasion of Gaza. Schwartz’s argument has the character of the public

Posted in International Relations, notes, Philosophy, Politics, War Tagged with: ,

Exceptionality vs Exceptionalism (Comment at S-USIH Blog)

Ben Alpers at the Society for US Intellectual History Blog provides a useful capsule history on American Exceptionalism: For most of the history of the term – which originally emerged in the 1920s in debates between Lovestoneites and Stalinists over

Posted in Neo-Imperialism, notes, US History Tagged with: , ,

Adding a Tip Jar To Your Site – The Basics

The easiest and most common way to begin making, or at least seeking, monetary returns on a blog or other site is to add a “tip jar” or donation link. This tutorial will consist of multiple posts, initially focused on beginners.

Posted in Monetization, Web Design Tagged with: , , ,


  [youtube ]

Posted in Movies, notes

Osama Bin Laden’s Interesting Argument (1)

Only one thing, apparently, is more natural than to be appalled by violence against someone else’s child: to embrace one’s own child all the more tightly.

Posted in Philosophy, Politics, War Tagged with: , , , , , ,

The De-Civilization of Gaza

“Terrorism” is a term not just for a set of tactics that instil fear, but for defiance of “civil”-ized norms. The latter do not deny the moral calculus of an Osama Bin Laden: They seek to limit and move beyond its inexorable and inexorcisable normalcy or naturalness – in wartime at least second nature, if not human nature itself. That the logic of war is a collectivizing, anonymous logic explains why liberalism-individualism seeks to criminalize it, why liberalist-individualist polities have such difficulty orienting themselves morally within it, and why they are, finally, prone to overcompensating in response to it.

Posted in Internet, notes, War Tagged with: , , ,

The 1.x-State Solution

Fred Kaplan’s critique of Israeli strategy or supposed strategic failures seems to be what Middle East scholar Michael Hanna has in mind when he urges us (on Twitter today) to consider an alternative view: Let’s be frank: we often talk

Posted in International Relations, Neo-Imperialism, War Tagged with: , ,