Old-timers at this blog may mourn the passing of “The Wall,” but the same functions, and the at last count 2,510 comments since the last major move, are still accessible under the new “Open Thread” tab.
The main difference is that the last ten exchanges will no longer appear on the blog home page. If and when the dialogue there heats up, I can restore it to a more prominent position, or even implement a “real-time updating” chat-style version if for some reason that seems appropriate (never has before, but, then again, you never know). If and when there is a call for a more elaborate “community” forum, we can look into that, too, but I don’t see it as a pressing concern at this time.
For now the latest contributions to the Open Thread will still appear under “Recent Comments,” though for how long the blog home page will remain the site’s home page, I haven’t decided. I may move to a more magazine-style and faster-loading home/landing page design, but am still reflecting and designing. You may notice other changes, too, such as the removal of most sidebar items from “single post” view, in favor of a cleaner, I hope less distracting presentation that reserves the single-post sidebar for directly related links. I’m using each of two newly added WordPress Plug-Ins for that last purpose, “EG-Series” and “Contextual Related Posts,” and I may have more to say about them later in a WordPress/Web Design-oriented post.
oh, but how secure I felt
pinned and wriggling on the wall