Odd that in this age of immediate accessibility of everything, Bruce Conner’s film for Brian Eno and David Byrne’s “America Is Waiting,” from My Life in the Bush of Ghosts, is not currently available on-line in a full length and reasonably high quality version.
First, here’s the best quality version, but it’s only 2 minutes of the 3:44 film:
Here’s a full-length but low quality version from a Korean site. You may have to put up with an ad.
Here’s a full-length version of the song on YouTube, with video that I think captures the spirit of Conner’s work. I left a silly comment at YouTube advising the creator to check Conner out, but it’s obvious on second thought that “0ldfinger” already had:
I would not be surprised if all three of these videos are extinct within a few months – I’m guessing taken down for rights infringement – but maybe the original will turn up again somewhere else by then…
Completely unaware of this until now. Musta been in a different America in the 80’s, no doubt still am, just didn’t think it started that early