…plus a few observations as tweeted. I’m sure I missed a few good pieces (possibly while I was busy yesterday, for instance). Please feel free to link anything interesting or useful in the comments.
- RT @BlogsofWar: RT @DefenseOne: Gen. John Allen: Destroy the Islamic State Now | http://t.co/Xw7Xl6s4ib http://t.co/yKsmDUT1OB 19:18:52, 2014-08-20
- Hof’s proposal for Syria – relate to Allen’s re ISIS? RT @michaeldweiss @nadabakos @blakehounshell This: http://t.co/30TI3R5eaL in reply to michaeldweiss 19:35:07, 2014-08-20
- [The Brian Fishman piece:] RT @PaulSzoldra: This is a really great analysis. “Don’t bullshit the American people about Iraq, Syria, and ISIL” http://t.co/s0nhrBqVF4 23:52:28, 2014-08-20
- RT @NoahCRothman: That ISIS guy who promised to raise Islamic flag over the White House? He’s dead http://t.co/cmJ3yAI78B http://t.co/SGWf17jMK8 12:57:41, 2014-08-21
- RT @hxhassan: Dempsey says Isil will be defeated when it’s rejected by the Sunnis from Damascus to Baghdad. 13:01:25, 2014-08-21
- RT @hxhassan: Dempsey says he thinks Isil’s momentum has been disrupted. It was the momentum behind their successes. It’ll be contained & defeated 13:01:44, 2014-08-21
- RT @Joyce_Karam: Interesting times: #Hezbollah condemns #ISIS‘ beheading of US citizen James Foley. http://t.co/35vMC1pFhY 19:33:17, 2014-08-21
- RT @javierespinosa2: Killing of #JamesFoley “contradicts sharia,angers Allah,Prophet & believers”,statement of jihadi Al-Tartusi & other syrian clerics #Syria 19:41:29, 2014-08-21
- RT @wk344407: Very interesting: “Why Islamic State has no sympathy for Hamas” – http://t.co/WzOlOiBkcK #ISIS #Iraq #Syria 22:19:16, 2014-08-21
- RT @csdickey: Obama Readies for War on ISIS http://t.co/0QkL2l1Ql4 via @elilake 22:34:07, 2014-08-21
- RT @abuliberali: A timely reminder by @BklynMiddleton that Assad is every bit as evil as ISIS & the enemy of my enemy isn’t my friend: http://t.co/8VybbThkj9 08:13:29, 2014-08-22
- RT @hxhassan: Read: The Re-Baathification of Iraq http://t.co/DYGa09Jo4X 09:57:41, 2014-08-22
- RT @wk344407: Must-read piece from @akhedery: “Assad’s genocidal regime – perhaps the single greatest root cause of #ISIS‘s rise” http://t.co/yXWFDjpXBi 10:10:55, 2014-08-22
- New: Rod Spared. For Now. http://t.co/CCOeNV4L8F #monetization_2 13:14:04, 2014-08-22
- RT @hxhassan: The ISIS Within http://t.co/B8yCGK0Qbg by @haningdr 21:15:25, 2014-08-22
- RT @cmagill: If you’re having a bad day remember somewhere an NSA analyst is trying to write an algorithm that can detect ‘IS(IS)’ but not the word ‘is’ 12:55:49, 2014-08-23
- RT @csdickey: How a Real Air War Could Demolish ISIS http://t.co/kc42ikBbXV via @thedailybeast 12:59:12, 2014-08-23
- RT @RekkaKroenen: (1/2) Elite British and US special forces troops are forming a hunter killer unit called Task Force Black – its orders: “Smash the 13:04:40, 2014-08-23
- RT @RekkaKroenen: (2/2) Islamic State.” http://t.co/awE6JL2kWz
#Iraq #Syria 13:04:54, 2014-08-23 - #prt “Iraqi special forces unit called the Apostles” 13:08:49, 2014-08-23
- RT @ChemiShalev: US ‘set to launch air strikes’ on senior Isis terror chiefs in Syria http://t.co/y3ZteqDCUG 21:55:16, 2014-08-23
- RT @hxhassan: My latest for The Guardian (print) about responses to Isis and how a regional realignment is taking place http://t.co/8taK7mo9hq 23:48:17, 2014-08-23
- Janet Daly: ISIS psychotic, not Islamic http://t.co/bQ7pWsn8pX vs @tufailelif:
Jihadism a problem within Islam http://t.co/DsVe5sKIqO 08:11:02, 2014-08-24 - RT @Joyce_Karam: Fred Hof: #Assad shares goal with #ISIS caliph, can not fight it. #Syria http://t.co/55F7VBPRFJ 09:21:45, 2014-08-25
- RT @ABC: US Special Ops. sources describe ISIS as an “incredible” fighting force: http://t.co/aq5R2T3eRX – @meekwire http://t.co/iGf9eZ7uez 12:39:35, 2014-08-25
- RT @vonFalkenhorst: Leftist army abolisher and right-wing keeper of neutrality call 4 support for christians fighting IS http://t.co/5rhCy8kJya cc @20committee 14:50:25, 2014-08-25
- RT @Doranimated: .@MaxBoot makes sense about ISIS | http://t.co/27NJSBdkBD 14:55:55, 2014-08-25
- RT @osint_org: Meet ‘QSIS’: A new twist in what to call the extremist group rampaging in Iraq and Syria http://t.co/RGvbZVRmyx 09:07:10, 2014-08-26
- RT @DenisonBe: Great @monkeycageblog post by @Prof_BearB on why American diplomacy appears to be failing http://t.co/ItWG4jZcXh 19:48:05, 2014-08-26
- RT @zaidbenjamin: #Qatar | Qradawai: The declaration of Caliphate is meaningless. Today’s caliphate is a federal or confederal between the muslim countries. 21:51:52, 2014-08-26
- Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the Theory and Practice of Jihad http://t.co/3GFHsKSbT5 h/t (kinda indirectly) to @aelkus 23:56:05, 2014-08-26
- Goldilocks vs Baghdadi: Why would the U.S. want to be ISIS’s ‘Far Enemy’?@selectedwisdom http://t.co/zDCedZGN3z 09:28:18, 2014-08-27
- RT @brianfishman: Good piece on ISIL military strength by @mikeknightsiraq in @ctcwp Sentinel: http://t.co/aLqTk5D02B 10:36:16, 2014-08-27
- “Douglas MacArthur McCain” 12:36:50, 2014-08-27
- RT @oomarGCC: Attacking the Islamic State IS attacking Assad https://t.co/HYE15JO7jr very insightful piece by @Ibishblog via @_Wamik 23:35:14, 2014-08-27
- RT @DavidLauter: U.S. public opinion shifting on American role, notably more support for active involvement new @pewresearch finds, http://t.co/aD8L3j3s2O 12:36:45, 2014-08-28
- RT @abuliberali: Fantastic report on the Iran-backed Shi’a militias that are the real military of the rump Shi’a Iraqi state: http://t.co/LXCSZMe671 14:03:48, 2014-08-28
- RT @hopisen: New motto: Speak softly but ask regional actors to agree on the possible future use of an appropriately sized stick. 14:05:43, 2014-08-28
- RT @haaretzcom: Israel-Gaza war was only a distraction from real Mideast agenda: Threat of Islamic State http://t.co/XQh79BMCRF 23:00:13, 2014-08-28
- #pt that said… RT @londil Let’s Keep ISIS in Perspective « http://t.co/OfAkin77CB http://t.co/c7Mstcs8Jq in reply to londil 00:32:17, 2014-08-29
- RT @hxhassan: Islamist gains in Syria alarm some Assad allies http://t.co/pzSmKLPxcf via @reuters 09:11:13, 2014-08-29
- RT @rmslim: By far this is one of z best, if not z best analysis, of unfolding devepts in the Arab region penned by Yezid Sayigh http://t.co/zMW7oGUsKZ 09:52:10, 2014-08-29