Buy this TV now, or some books – thanks!

Amazing TV. I only give it 4 stars because they didn’t mention the importance of securing it to the wall. My dog was running through the house and bumped the stand causing the device to fall over. Luckily the dog was there to cushion the fall. Not a scratch to the TV so it worked perfect to play our home videos of our dog Sparky at his funeral services. He looks so life like on the tv I hardly notice he’s gone.

–Nick James

(BTW another way to support this blog, if you’re of a mind to do so, and, if you’re not, what a waste not to have a mind, is to buy stuff on Amazon after clicking on any link to a book – for instance down there in the right-hand corner on the home page, or just about anytime you see a book-link either in a post or maybe on a future “Bibliography” Page. Wait, maybe this isn’t a pitch for support, maybe it’s a dutiful notification about the scam I’m running. Hmm. Anyway, I signed up as an Amazon affiliate years ago, and I receive a variable but always small percentage of whatever you spend in the ensuing Amazon “session” – not just on the particular item linked, but on most Amazon items you proceed to purchase more or less immediately. So, if you’re thinking about buying a 105″ 4k curved TV… or even a piddly 90″ or so model, or a copy of Elements of the Philosophy of Right, or all the books you need for your upcoming class in web design or stock-picking, click here first. If you don’t want to contribute to my corruption by affiliation, then don’t. Just thought you should know. TIA!)

(As for the TV specifically, I’d certainly understand if you want to check out some of the other customer reviews first – seems reasonable.)

(…and thanks-apologies to the tweep who shared this one the other night, but whose handle I failed to note.)

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