Monthly Archives: November 2014

Brown and Wilson as Black and White as Blue and Red

To get to “meta” on Ferguson, and begin to cross the red and blue divide, we might consider @RichLowry’s (Rich Lowry’s) re-tweet of the following defensive reply on his behalf to a tweet by @jbouie (Jamelle Bouie): Since the

Posted in notes, Politics

The Decline of Political-Cultural Blogging in One Page

The first thing to note about OT’s blogroll is that, though it has been moved off the blog’s front page and sidebars, it still occupies a prominent link-position in the main menu. The second thing to note about it is that it isn’t: The blogroll page’s blogroll is missing.

Posted in Internet, Web Design Tagged with: , ,

Feet First on Reagan, Neo-Conservatism, and Hegel

I was working on some spare-time notes for a period during which I do not in theory possess any spare time, and by now the notes are an unfinished opus. It struck me today that the footnotes to that not

Posted in notes, Political Philosophy Tagged with: , ,

I’ll be seeing me

Few of the visitors to this site on any given day leave comments or any other signs of appreciation or disagreement, or of attention at all, but, when I examine the trail of “views” they leave behind, I like to

Posted in Meta, notes, Web Design Tagged with: ,

…and, Ultimately, to Destroy (4): Difference

For the destruction of IS to occur without our aid and participation would be for us not just to have shirked a responsibility, but to have declined to assert our existence, to have absented ourselves from the course of events. The alternative for us to a world in which we helped to destroy IS would be for us an unjust and absurd world.

Posted in Neo-Imperialism, War Tagged with: , , , , ,

Melhem’s Compulsions (the two-sided failure in Syria contd.)

In an article published today in Al-Arabiya, Hisham Melhem devotes his main attention to the idea that the Middle East is becoming “less Arab” in a way that helps to explain a commensurate adaptation of U.S. policy. [T]he U.S. sees

Posted in International Relations Tagged with: , , ,


Post-morteming the Mid-Terms.

Posted in notes, Political Philosophy, Politics Tagged with:

…and, Ultimately, to Destroy (3): Acceptance

Collectively as individually, we may also like to think that at the limits we will know the truly unacceptable loss of control when we see it, or are compelled to view it, but we may surprise ourselves with our ability to look away from or to grow used to what formerly we found unbearable, just the latest cadaverized child in a Twitpic.

Posted in Neo-Imperialism, War Tagged with: , , , , ,

Islamic Statism and Historical Necessity

Shadi Hamid begins his essay on “The Roots of the Islamic State’s Appeal” by noting first the tendency of political scientists, including himself, to see “religion, ideology, and identity” as “products of a given set of material factors.” In the

Posted in History, notes, On Liberal Democracy in Relation to Islamism, Religion, War Tagged with: , , ,