Monthly Archives: January 2015

Being Charlie – Updated

Seems the “next Charlie Hebdo cover” is really this one: TPM Livewire explains what I think was more an honest mistake by many tweeps than any kind of hoax:

Posted in Art, On Liberal Democracy in Relation to Islamism Tagged with:


In short, blocking self-indulgently, whether out of laziness or anger or boredom or trifling annoyance or whatever obscure motive, amounts to a special kind of trolling: a narcissistic negation of discussion that, like most trolling, would be impossibly embarrassing to a contemptibly contemptuous perpetrator if attempted in “3-d life.”

Posted in Internet, Political Philosophy, Twitter Tagged with: ,

Now Testing Factlink Plug-In

Factlink is a plug-in, also available as a browser add-on, that was mentioned in a discussion of “Medium-Style Commenting” that I happen to follow. I’ve installed and activated the plug-in for WordPress here, though I’m unsure about keeping it, for

Posted in Web Design Tagged with: ,