Monthly Archives: April 2015

The things the body cries out for…

In the totalitarian totality of entertainment for entertainment’s sake and no other sake, THE AMERICANS is therefore condemned to a dark corner of television Siberia. Its inhabitants, including its fans as fellow inmates, are left to seek the peculiar victories achievable only there.

Posted in TV Tagged with: ,

Ongoing Community-Participatory Gradual Organic Site Redesign and Development Project Situation Report

OT Sitrep

Posted in Web Design Tagged with: ,

OT Site Dev Sitrep

It’s OK to say “Heidegger” and “Wittgenstein” and to include up to three links in the body of your comments; I’m going to do a fingers-crossed changeover on the comment subscriptions system soon; you can now use either of two contact forms, general/editorial and support, available via the main menu under “Contact”; expect more tweaking as we work on bigger changes.

Posted in Developing Ordinary Times, Off the Cuff, Ordinary Times, The League Tagged with: , ,

Procreative Concept and the Insult to Gays; My Father’s Gifts; Roger’s OK

Been very busy at OT lately, having entrapped myself by starting to fix, develop, re-design the site on the fly. Whole new vistas of massively unpaid labor are opening before me, though maybe I’ll eventually figure out how to monetize

Posted in Marriage of Equality and Inequality, Meta, notes, Web Design Tagged with: , ,

For your consideration and especially your comments…

Six simple changes to commenting format and functionality, of which five, with your cooperation (and if all goes as expected), can be demonstrated, tested, and assessed on this post’s comment thread. The sixth has already been implemented site-wide

Posted in Developing Ordinary Times, Ordinary Times Tagged with: , ,

Roger’s Art

” template=”/home/ckm/public_html/” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] My cousin Roger McLeod, who happens to share my father’s birthday, June 26, suffered a heart attack last week – apparently, by a different order of coincidence, around the time that I was snapping

Posted in Art Tagged with:

A week and a day after my father’s funeral…

It feels unfair to my three or so loyal readers to explain only at this late date that an increasing portion of my distraction these last few months, and especially since my previous post of January 17, can be attributed

Posted in Audio, Meta