Devoted the Summer, especially the end, to my coding skills. The work included writing and publishing my first “real” WordPress plugin: WP Replace Old Images. It’s just a simple thing that I don’t expect will be downloaded in substantial numbers, since it applies to a very specific problem that I needed – or chose – to solve for Ordinary Times.
The plan is to devote the next few weeks to fully plug-innifying several functions or sets of functions that I’ve applied and tested here, at Ordinary Times, in development environments, or at other sites. In the process, working from simple to relatively highly complex, I should be able to refine and demonstrate a full range of coding skills. Looking further ahead, I aim to incorporate some of the work, the skills involved as well as particular functions, in a new WordPress Theme or Themes for this site and for others.
The above project outline wouldn’t seem to leave much room for writing seriously, but on balance I’d like to live a while longer, whether or not the world’s much in favor of the notion, and to live means making a living during however many years of mental acuity and energy I may have left. While I work my way up to the end of the project, I intend also to collect some material and notes that I’ve been too busy to record contemporaneously, and that I hope later to integrate with this site’s eventual new design.
Perhaps it won’t be more widely used, but the links that Tod sent make me think it really ought to be more widely used. It really only takes one lawsuit to ruin your day.