Monthly Archives: November 2016

No One Can Say: Before Us (OAG #5)

We might say that it will likely be many years before we can reasonably pronounce the American project truly over, but the main reason we cannot say so is not that the evidence has still to be accumulated, the 10,000 simultaneous simulations run, and a probability estimate produced.

Posted in Internet, Operation American Greatness, Politics Tagged with:

Is This Solution for Caches vs Cookies Going to Get Me in Trouble?

I added the line to my jQuery script, and, *voila!*, WPSC, W3 Total Cache, and Comet Cache are all acting like I want them to. After I use the script, and reload, I get fresh pages.

Posted in WordPress Plug-Ins Tagged with: ,

Commenter Ignore Button Preview Video

With this #WordPress Plugin I bestow upon humankind the greatest gift that has ever been given it so far…

Posted in Internet, Videos, WordPress Plug-Ins

No One Can Say: Absurdifaction (OAG #4)

…the dis-assembling assembly of disconnected yet interrelated not quite anythings, not quite somewhere, with which one might or might not perform something approaching or in some ways vastly exceeding, yet not possibly entailing, disagreement.

Posted in Internet, Operation American Greatness, Politics, Twitter Tagged with:

No One Can Say: Context/Contest (OAG #3)

We or more of us than we suspected, a muster that will in time include many for now wrapped up in shock, and grief, and fear, and rage, and despair, seeing at best only the glimmers of new or renewed possibility, have welcomed or will welcome, will someday come to love the fire for revealing who if anyone is in fact out there.

Posted in Internet, Operation American Greatness, Politics, Twitter Tagged with:

Zoellner and Chihara: You’re The Puppet: Trump, the Death of Truth, and the Silence of the Left – LA Review of Books

We failed to meet the higher calling of a vision of America that seemed within reach during the Obama years, which will seem like time out of mind before long. Our constitutional democracy has a legacy of bloody violence, but with

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Max Boot: Trump’s ‘America First’ Is the Twilight of American Exceptionalism – Foreign Policy

In the terms coined by Walter Russell Mead, Obama is a Jeffersonian, while Trump is a Jacksonian: The former believes that the United States should perfect its own democracy and go “not abroad in search of monsters to destroy,” whereas

Posted in Neo-Imperialism, Noted & Quoted, Operation American Greatness

Thomas Piketty: We must rethink globalization, or Trumpism will prevail – The Guardian

The main lesson for Europe and the world is clear: as a matter of urgency, globalization must be fundamentally re-oriented. The main challenges of our times are the rise in inequality and global warming. We must therefore implement international treaties

Posted in International Relations, Noted & Quoted, Politics

Harold Pollack: The Democrats’ biggest mistakes – The Reality-Based Community

Throughout 2016, our party triumphantly presented itself as the embodiment of America’s multi-cultural, multi-racial demographic future. Of course, our national convention was the peak expression of that triumphalism, featuring Mothers of the Movement, the electrifying speeches by Mr. Khan and

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“The Kremlin Didn’t Elect Trump – Obama Did”: Outline of Implications of Russian Information Operations in the 2016 Elections

Observers from center right to left, and including recognized security experts as well as pundits or political intellectuals, are now claiming that the Russian government under Vladimir Putin made war upon the United State of America; that the government and people of the United States, under the presidency of Barack Obama, failed to offer a serious defense; and that we in America as well as friends and allies have suffered an historic defeat.

Posted in International Relations, notes, Operation American Greatness, Politics, War Tagged with: , ,