Monthly Archives: November 2016

Hillary Clinton: “Roar” – YouTube From: Roar | Hillary Clinton – YouTube

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Donald Trump: Argument For America – YouTube

From: Donald Trump’s Argument For America – YouTube

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Operation American Greatness

Ironic how Trump apologists, especially certain types of “American Conservative” paleo-cons, self-styled republican constitutionalists, and diverse fellow travelers all the way extending to everyday “Deplorables” drunkenly hurling foul epithets at campaign reporters, have adopted a main strategic rationale of the despised Neocons and Globalists.

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Ross Douthat: From Roe to Trump – The New York Times

[T]oday’s conservatism has far more to gain from the defeat of Donald Trump, and the chance to oppose Clintonian progressivism unencumbered by his authoritarianism, bigotry, misogyny and incompetence, than it does from answering the progressive drift toward Caesarism with a

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YouGov: Beware the phantom swings (Why dramatic bounces in the polls aren’t always what they seem)

[A]fter the release of the Access Hollywood video, Trump supporters were four percent less likely than Clinton supporters to participate in our poll. The same phenomenon occurred this weekend for Clinton supporters after the announcement of the FBI investigation: Clinton

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David Frum: The Conservative Case for Voting for Clinton – The Atlantic

[S]he is a patriot. She will uphold the sovereignty and independence of the United States. She will defend allies. She will execute the laws with reasonable impartiality. She may bend some rules for her own and her supporters’ advantage. She

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