Commenter Ignore Button 0.99

As previously noted, this plug-in is or will be the greatest gift to humankind in all of history heretofore. It is now in “Late Beta”, meaning I think it’s just about ready to be distributed, and to begin improving the lives of billions or more forever. For a limited time, I’m offering free installation, configuration, and styling to anyblogger who wants to try it (so that I can iron out any last hinks I happen to find, collect feedback, and maybe produce some additional use cases).

I am numbering the current release “0.99” since I like to use 1.0 for the first WordPress Repo/general release versions of plug-ins. In the still-ongoing process of refining the tool, I’ve also had to get around to writing a Commenting Policy for this site. A recent… kerfuffle… added some impetus. (To make things even more officially official, I’ve also added a Cookies Notice. So, it’s now legal for me to operate in the EU, and you can get off my tail, Interpol. At least, I think that’s what it all means. Anyway, it’s based on a sleekly efficient little plug-in: Cookie Notice by dFactory.)

Next step: Re-Integration with the “Comment Highlight Buttons” that were part of the original pre-offering offering. Will then see about the roadmap for future development, especially Registered User-only functions, but getting to them looks to be a good piece down an uncertain road from here.

7 comments on “Commenter Ignore Button 0.99

Commenting at CK MacLeod's

We are determined to encourage thoughtful discussion, so please be respectful to others. We also provide a set of Commenting Options - comment/commenter highlighting and ignoring, and commenter archives that you can access by clicking the commenter options button (). Go to our Commenting Guidelines page for more details, including how to report offensive and spam commenting.

  1. Tested it with that jerk sdfadsf. I like this better than the prior iteration though that offered more flexibility. Works well here on Safari on Mac. I like that the X shows up right over the prior icon without anything shifting around.

    If I’m hunting for criticism, I would say maybe reconsider using the downward arrow when it is not being hovered over. Perhaps instead a same-gray-colored X? Or is the idea that it could be a drop-down?

    • Yes, the idea is or was that eventually the arrow could drop down to reveal a series of things to do with the comment or commenter (ignore-commenter, highlight-commenter, highlight comment, also report comment, possibly share comment and others), but I’m not a hunnert percent on how and when to implement the additional options, and, for stand-alone purposes, I think your suggestion is certainly worth looking at.

      It may seem minor to you, but for my purposes it’s a quite significant choice, since for the vast majority of users, the vast majority of the time, it will be the entire visual presence of the option. I want it to be subtle: I decided the bright red “x” was too obtrusive, even very small and faded to pink. Twitter for Android uses the down arrow to drop down an 8-item menu. Twitter for desktop uses an elipsis variant. But I think for the standalone, the gray x makes sense as first choice option. Easy to change. So much thanks again, even if it may mean I’ll have to re-do the movie, too.

      Additional notes:

      The “ignore” feature works site-wide: If you ignore me here, I’ll be pre-emptively ignored on every thread on the site – perhaps that should be emphasized in a couple of places.

      Ignore List: Though in this implementation we leave the commenter’s name intact, I imagine that in some implementations the ignored comment and user would be completely invisibilized. In those cases the ignore list would remind the user who has been quarantined. Adding the ignore list at all is completely optional, and the ignore list vs “Commenting at…” notice (you’d have to un-ignore everyone to see it here) is configurable.

      Last: “undefined” is a leftover from the prior version. If you delete the cookies, it’ll go away. Not sure what options your preferred browser gives you: Some will let you delete individual cookies. The two here are “ignorable” and “ignorable_names.” I could make it possible to remove the commenter by clicking in the ignore list, or by “un-ignoring all.” I might as well, since it’s not hard to do. I could also make it easy for the user to hide the ignore list – but I also don’t see the main option itself to be something that many users will often use, so the sub-options and sub-sub-options would be rarities within rarities (within rarities…).

    • PS – I do think the “gray x” is much better as a default for the standalone plugin. So, thanks again, VB! I’d launch CIB 1.0 now-ish, but am superstitious… oh yeah plus there’s one or two housekeepingish things I still want to do. (Lots of work been going on under the hood.)

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  1. […] a bow to that desire, and with an acknowledgement of thanks to former Technical Editor CK McLeod, who created this device, we offer a new […]

Commenter Ignore Button by CK's Plug-Ins

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