Monthly Archives: December 2016

Brian Beutler: The Alternative to Obamacare Is Obamacare – New Republic

Democrats in 2005 didn’t have an artificial Social Security sunset to worry about. Today, there is a risk that refusing to collaborate with Republicans will prefigure a genuine policy catastrophe. But that would be the GOP’s catastrophe, they would own

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The End of the High Church – The Z Blog

What’s happening with the Catholic Church is it is following the same path as the Protestant churches. They are inviting in people from other religions, thinking they will be Catholic first and communist or Progressive second. It never works that way.

Posted in Noted & Quoted, Religion

Matthew Yglesias: The case for normalizing Trump – Vox

Trump genuinely does pose threats to the integrity of American institutions and political norms. But he does so largely because his nascent administration is sustained by support from the institutional Republican Party and its standard business and interest group supporters.

Posted in Noted & Quoted, Operation American Greatness, Politics Tagged with: ,